Brain Disorders
Stroke, brain tumors, infection, seizures and trauma are some of the causes of brain disorders. Your brain makes you unique, controlling your memory, speech and motor function, so when a problem occurs it can be devastating. GHNC can improve your symptoms by evaluating, examining, and diagnosing your condition in order to educate you on your best treatment options and prognosis.

Acoustic Neuromas
Also known as vestibular schwannomas, acoustic neuromas are quite common and the majority are benign. These slow growing tumors develop o…
Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor
The CPA is a uniquely identified area in the posterior fossa. Surrounding structures include cranial nerves, arteries, veins, brainstem, …
These slow growing benign tumors peak in adulthood between 40 and 44 years and usually start off as benign cystic lesions. While most lik…
Dermoid Tumors
Dermoid tumors, often present at birth, contain structures like hair, fluid, teeth and skin glands. These cysts are slow growing but depe…
Epidermoid Tumors
Epidermoid tumors, also known as cholesteatomas or pearly tumors, are intracranial growths that appear as cysts in neuroimaging. These tu…
One of the most common neurological disorders is Epilepsy, which affects people of all ages. Otherwise known as “seizure disorder”, this …
Head Injury (Traumatic Brain Injury)
Brain tissue can be damaged from a variety of things, but it’s those from an external force that result in Traumatic Brain Injury. TBI re…
Often called ‘water on the brain’, this abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid may cause the brain to swell, and in some situations…
Metastatic Brain Tumors
Approximately 20 to 40 percent of patients with tumors outside the central nervous system (i.e. lungs, breast, colon) will develop metast…
Pineal Region Tumors
Pineal region tumors are very rare in adults, representing only 1% of all intracranial tumors. The pineal gland produces many hormones su…
Pituitary Tumor
The pituitary gland, although small in size, is responsible for many functions that keep us healthy and alive. Abnormal growths (pituitar…
A stroke, whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, is a medical emergency. A stroke, whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, is a medical emergency. Whe…
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Often referred to as ‘Face Pain’, This disorder affects the trigeminal nerve, one of the largest cranial nerves in the head. This nerve …
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Our team of professionals at the GHNC are ready to help you begin your journey to health and recovery.