Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor

The CPA is a uniquely identified area in the posterior fossa. Surrounding structures include cranial nerves, arteries, veins, brainstem, and cerebellum.


Common symptoms of CPA tumors relate to the structures they distort. Due to the proximity of the CPA specific to the cranial nerves, symptoms can include:
  • Hearing loss/facial weakness
  • Speech impediment
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Motor dysfunction in limbs
  • Balance issues
  • Tinnitus (ringning in the ears)

Treatment and Evaluations

How we can help

Imaging with a MRI scan of the head is the first step in treating CPA tumors. Depending upon the patient’s age, type and size of the lesion, and the location, the following recommendations are made:

Schedule a Consultation

Our team of professionals at the GHNC are ready to help you begin your journey to health and recovery.
